var idArray = [];
$('.red').each(function () {
var idArray = [];
$('.red').each(function () {
Passing JSON data with jQuery and AJAX to Node.js is relatively simple, passing JSON data with jQuery and AJAX to PHP requires a few extra steps.
Instead of trying to send JSON as is, you should only send a well-formed JSON string and let PHP to transform it into an object or an associative array (depending on how you use the json_decode() function).
Bear in mind that PHP not only requires the string to be valid JSON: your string must also be UTF-8 compliant. So with jQuery we can write:
var data = {
test: $( "#test" ).val()
var options = {
url: "test.php",
dataType: "text",
type: "POST",
data: { test: JSON.stringify( data ) }, // Our valid JSON string
success: function( data, status, xhr ) {
error: function( xhr, status, error ) {
$.ajax( options );
And with PHP we have to take care of the string encoding before using it:
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
$test = utf8_encode($_POST['test']); // Don't forget the encoding
$data = json_decode($test);
echo $data->test;
Reff :
1. Installation
npm i ng2-tooltip-directive
2. Import Ng2Module
import { TooltipModule } from 'ng2-tooltip-directive';
imports: [ TooltipModule ]
3. Usage
Options can be set in the directive tag, so they have the highest priority.
<span tooltip="Tooltip" placement="top" show-delay="500">Tooltip on top</span>
may pass as an object:
<span tooltip="Tooltip" [options]="myOptions">Tooltip on left</span>
myOptions = {
'placement': 'left',
'show-delay': 500
Pass HTML as content:
<span tooltip="<p>Hello i'm a <strong>bold</strong> text!</p>">
Tooltip with HTML content
<ng-template #HtmlContent>
<p>Hello i'm a <strong>bold</strong> text!</p>
<span [tooltip]="HtmlContent" content-type="template">
Tooltip with template content
1. Front End Developer
b. CSS
c. JS
d. Any one Library
i. React JS
ii. Angular
iii. Vue.js
2. BackEnd Developer (Any One)
a. PHP
c. Node JS
d. GO
e. C#
f. Phython
4. Database Server (Any One)
a. Mysql
b. Oracle
c. Mongo DB
5. DEVOPS ( Any One )
1. Linear Search
2. Binary Search
3. Breadth First Search (BFS)
4. Depth First Search (DFS)
5. Merge Sort
6. Quick Sort
7. Insertion Sort
8. Selection Sort
9. Counting Sort
10. Heap Sort
11. Topological Sort
12. Kahn’s Topological Sort
13. KMP
14. Kadane’s
15. Quickselect
16. Floyd’s Cycle Detection
17. Boyer–Moore Majority Vote
Basic Algo
18. Euclid’s
19. Union Find
20. Huffman Coding Compression
Step 1 — Installing Angular CLI 8
Step 2 — Creating your Angular 8 Project
Step 3 — Adding Angular HttpClient
Step 4 — Creating Components
Step 5 — Adding Routing
Step 6 — Building the UI with Angular Material Components
Step 7 — Mocking a REST API
Step 8 — Consuming the REST API with Angular HttpClient
Step 9 — Handling HTTP Errors
Step 10 — Adding Pagination
Step 11 — Building and Deploying your Angular Application to Firebase